Learning above the surface and below ...


Novice to advanced, infant to adult, let us share our swimming knowledge with you and your whole family.


Trying SCUBA for the first time?  Continuing your education? Looking for a dive buddy? Take the plunge with us!


You haven't exercised until you've aquacised. Get fit with us in the water! It’s fun and easy on your joints.


Read and contribute to our blog about keeping life in balance, in aqualibrium.  What keeps you happy and in balance?

Aquatics for Life


The Aquatics for Life Mission Statement is three-fold:

• To ensure that everyone is safe in and around the water
• To ensure that everyone has fun in and around the water
• To ensure that everyone appreciates what the water has to offer

We accomplish our mission through education. We teach swimming to make our community safer, we teach water aerobics to make our community healthier, and we teach SCUBA diving to make our community aware of the magnificent ocean environment that surrounds us. Make Aquatics for Life a part of your life today.


Susan Steinhauser


Susan’s been combining her passion for teaching and the water since 1997. Having run a successful swim and SCUBA school in NY for over 10 years, she has now brought her love for aquatics to South Florida.

Susan’s students’ success stems from the prescriptive teaching method she uses to identify her students’ strengths and challenges. Susan then works closely with her students to help them overcome their challenges while further developing their strengths.

Susan’s certifications include:
• American Red Cross WSI (Water Safety Instructor)
• AEA (Aquatics Exercise Association) Instructor, and
• PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) Master SCUBA Diver Trainer


Contact Us

Aquatics for Life

5842 Eagle Cay Circle
Coconut Creek, FL 33073

Phone: 516.732.2854

Email: susan@aquaticsforlife.com


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